Osteopathy for Pregnancy — Outline Health | Osteopath Farnham | Osteopath Odiham

Osteopathy for Pregnancy

Pregnant woman lying on her side on a bed sleeping, cuddling a pregnancy pillow with her pregnant belly showing

Finding out you are pregnant can be a highly emotional experience, with a mixture of elation and concern for what the next 9 months will bring. Your body will go through enormous changes, and it is important to embrace these as part of the normal process of pregnancy.  Osteopathic treatment can help you navigate these changes and put you in the best position to nurture your developing baby.

Treatment helps provide a little more room for your baby and helps both of you be more comfortable. In addition, a balanced body, especially the pelvis, puts you in a better place for avoiding complications at childbirth. We aim to support you and your body as it makes the necessary changes, keeping you active, pain free and allowing you to enjoy this miraculous time.

Assessment includes

Full Postural screening

Review medical history and assessment of any symptoms of musculoskeletal discomfort, including any hip, pelvic coccyx of back pain

Screening for bowel, bladder or sexual dysfunction

Information regarding perineal massage and birth preparation

Advice on preparation of pelvic floor and pelvis for delivery

Advice on how to exercise safely during pregnancy

Advice on how to minimise tummy muscle separation (diastasis recti)

Post partum tips to help your recovery postnatally until your 6 week Postnatal Checkup

Common symptoms during pregnancy

Back pain

Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)

Sacro Iliac Joint pain – occurring in the lower back

Sciatica and leg pain associated with back pain

Rib and thoracic spinal problems leading to breathlessness and difficulty in deep breathing

Neckache and headaches

Postural pain


Pregnant woman lying on her side on treatment couch surrounded with cushion with osteopath's hand on her pregnant belly

Duration and pricing

Initial consultation 60 mins £95
Follow up 30 mins £65
Extended follow up 45 mins £95

Your local Farnham based osteopath, here to help you find your health and get that incredible machine that is your body working for you again. Please do get in touch at enquiries@outlinehealth.com or call 01252 850814