Counselling — Outline Health | Osteopath Farnham | Osteopath Odiham


Counsellor Suzanne Fowler standing in kitchen wear blue scarf and shirt, holding a china mug with flowers out of focus in the foreground

How Counselling Can Help You

Life can be tough sometimes and our thoughts and emotions overwhelm us. For some of us, thinking about starting a family, becoming pregnant, the IVF process and all the excitement and disappointment that can bring, creates a variety of emotions and triggers that maybe you were not expecting. Birth, even with the best preparation, often doesn't go quite to 'plan' and this can leave parents feeling confused and lost. Birth trauma can have lifelong effects on both mum and partner. Being able to reflect and talk can help you make sense of what happened and what it means to you.

Feeding and caring for a young baby brings its own pressures and challenges, with 85% of new mums experiencing some level of postnatal depression and over 30% of new dads and partners also seeking support, you know you are not alone! If you are struggling with your new role and identity or any of the many other issues around becoming a parent, talking about it in a safe and non judgmental space can help enormously. Relationships shift and change when a new baby is due or has arrived, this again can create tension and anxiety between parents and the extended family. Understanding your attachment style and talking through how you are feeling can really help you settle happily into your new role and enjoy the early weeks and months with your new baby.

If any of the above resonates with you or you are concerned about someone you love please get in touch. Either book a free 15 min discovery call online to discuss how counselling might help you or book in directly for your counselling appointment. More information can be found through my website