Arthritic Pain — Outline Health | Osteopath Farnham | Osteopath Odiham

 Arthritic Pain


You don’t have to live with arthritic pain, physical therapy along with lifestyle management can help. Although arthritis itself cannot be cured, the relief through physical therapy can greatly improve your quality of life. To be clear, there are many different types of arthritis broadly divided into degenerative (osteoarthritis) and inflammatory (including rheumatoid, psoriatic and reactive arthritis). Physical therapy can benefit both types the most evidence and most commonly seen in clinic is degenerative osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis comes about for due to many factors, the most common being previous injury to a joint, excessive use of a particular joint, age, family history of osteoarthritis, being overweight and being a woman (yes, unfortunately osteoarthritis is more common in women!). When the protective cartilage covering the ends of the bones breaks down the joint becomes painful, swollen and stiff. During treatment the main aim is to determine how osteoarthritis is affecting your life, formulating an effective treatment plan. Treatment aims to improve joint mobility reducing joint stiffness, improving circulation and relaxing tense muscles, plus exercise and nutrition advice to assist weight loss if required.

Due to the incurable nature of arthritis generally we recommend a regular treatment pattern, initially seeing your more regularly, then spacing appointments out every 1-2 months depending on the severity of arthritic pain and how you respond to treatment.


A full clinical and orthopaedic examination helps identify how osteoarthritis is affecting you and your quality of life. Once this is established we will explain it to you in a way you can understand how we will address all these issues and how we can help alleviate your symptoms. We will also let you know whether we need to make any referrals.

Often, depending on the severity, treatment can start immediately to help relieve your pain and usually includes a combination of soft tissue massage, joint mobilisation, stretching, manipulation and acupuncture. However please be assured that you are able to choose if you would prefer not to have any particular treatment.

You will also be provided a wealth of advice including exercises and lifestyle advice. In addition, we can also do an ergonomic assessment to ensure your working environment does not contribute to your pain.

Your local Farnham based osteopath, here to help you find your health and get that incredible machine that is your body working for you again. Please do get in touch at or call 01252 850814